หมายเหตุ สายด่วนชาวพุทธ

Protective Chant against Suicide

Kiccho manussapatilabho
kiccham maccana jivitam
kiccham saddhammassavanam
kiccho buddhanamuppado.

The protective chant against suicide above is a chant bestowed by the Buddha over 2,500 years ago. The method to make this chant effective is to practice it regularly in daily life, just like exercising to keep the body fit. We must practice and familiarize ourselves with it every day.

The procedure for practicing to keep the protective chant within ourselves:

  1. Memorize the chant so that you can recite it smoothly without mistakes.

  2. Spend about 10-15 minutes every day before leaving your place of rest, as follows: 2.1. Sit comfortably, calm, and composed, with a clear and firm mindfulness. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly 5-6 times, then let your breath flow naturally. 2.2. Focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and recognize that you're inhaling "deeply"; exhale deeply and recognize that you're exhaling "deeply." Inhale shortly and recognize that you're inhaling "shortly"; exhale shortly and recognize that you're exhaling "shortly." Stay present with your breath, not dwelling on the past or the future, only on the present moment. Don't control your breath, let it flow naturally.

  3. When your mind becomes still, let go of focusing on your breath and recite the chant clearly and confidently (aloud). While reciting, focus on each word without rushing to finish. Recite naturally, at a suitable pace, not too softly or too loudly. If your mind wanders during recitation, start over with full concentration. Recite each round only three times.

In summary, this activity must be practiced continuously every day and should take only 10-15 minutes.

If on any day you feel particularly bored, disappointed, sad, lonely, or unwilling to acknowledge anything, intensify the practice by spending more time, such as reciting the chant 8, 9, 12, or 108 times.

If you lose track of how many times you've recited the chant, it means your mindfulness is not strong enough. Return to step 2.2 and start again with full concentration.

The meaning of the chant above is as follows:

"Kiccho manussapatilabho" - The difficulty of being born with a human body. "kiccham maccana jivitam" - The difficulty of sustaining life for all living beings (including humans and animals). "kiccham saddhammassavanam" - The opportunity to hear the Dharma (teachings of the Buddha) is rare. "kiccho buddhanamuppado." - The arising of Buddhas is rare.

Why is it considered difficult to be born as a human in Buddhism? Because Buddhism regards human life as the most valuable, capable of development, and the duty of everyone to develop to achieve the utmost potential. This life is a natural asset that no one has the right to destroy. Even one's own life cannot be killed or destroyed. How difficult is it to have the opportunity to be born as a human? Let's consider from the Buddha's teachings as follows:

"First Discourse: The Difficulty of Being Human"

Before the monks, consider this: imagine a yoke with a hole that descends into the great ocean. There's a blind turtle that surfaces once every hundred years. How likely is it that its head will enter the yoke? The monks say: "Very unlikely, Blessed One." Even more unlikely is the attainment of human birth. Why is it so? In this realm, there's no ethical conduct, no righteousness, no generosity, only indulgence in sensual pleasures. Those with less merit are born into this realm. Why is this so? Because they don't see the Four Noble Truths, don't understand them. Therefore, you should strive to realize the truth that this is suffering, etc.

"Second Discourse: The Difficulty of Being Human"

Before the monks, consider this: imagine a blind turtle in the great ocean. There's a yoke with a hole that descends into the ocean. The wind blows from one direction, then from another. The turtle surfaces once every hundred years. How likely is it that its head will enter the yoke? The monks say: "Very unlikely, Blessed One." Even more unlikely is the attainment of human birth. Why is it so? Because attaining human birth is difficult. The future Buddha will be born into this world with difficulty. The discipline proclaimed by the future Buddha will prosper in the world with difficulty. Therefore, strive to realize the truth that this is suffering, etc.

Study additional information from the Tripitaka, the Great Scripture (in Thai) Volume 31, The Dispersion of Buddha's Teachings, Great Third Council, Volume 5, Part 2.

Will the protective chant above really prevent suicide?

Yes, if practiced diligently and completely as recommended, it will definitely prevent suicide. Just like athletes need to practice and prepare their bodies continuously to win competitions, similarly, we need to practice the protective chant regularly. If the body is not prepared, victory over opponents becomes difficult. Therefore, we must practice regularly, just like athletes who keep their bodies fit for competitions.

Is the advice above reliable and credible?

Absolutely. The recommended practice is correct and effective in preventing suicide. It may not immediately lead practitioners to complete enlightenment, as shown in the three case studies mentioned above, but it will definitely protect them from the danger of suicide.

Buddhist Hotline Thailand

เขียนโดย : สายด่วนชาวพุทธ
เขียนเมื่อ : 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2567
อ่าน : 409


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